1. 他获得了第十一届亚洲运动会跳水比赛的金牌。
- He won a gold medal in the diving event at the 11th Asian Games.
2. 他在第十一届亚洲运动会跳水比赛中获得第一名。
- He got the first place in the diving event at the 11th Asian Games.
3. 他在第十一届亚洲运动会跳水比赛中获得一等奖。
- He won the first prize in the diving event at the 11th Asian Games.
4. 今年年初,他在第六届世界游泳锦标赛中成为世界冠军。
- He became a world champion at the 6th World Swimming Championships early this year.
5. 今年年初,他在第六届世界游泳锦标赛中击败了所有其他参赛者。
- He beat all the other competitors at the 6th World Swimming Championships early this year.
1. 当他还是个小男孩时,他就对游泳产生了兴趣。
- He became interested in swimming when he was a little boy.
2. 当他还是个小男孩时,他对游泳很感兴趣。
- He was fond of swimming when he was a little boy.
3. 当他还是个小男孩时,他非常喜欢游泳。
- He liked/loved swimming very much when he was a little boy.
4. 当他还是个小男孩时,他开始对游泳产生兴趣。
- He developed an interest in swimming when he was a little boy.
5. 当他很小的时候,他发展出了对游泳的强烈热情。
- He developed a strong passion for swimming when he was very young.
这些句子通过不同的表达方式,强调了一个人从小对某一活动的喜爱之情。无论是“became interested”还是“developed a passion”,都传达出一种持久且深入的兴趣。
1. 在学校里,他努力学习。
- He studied hard at school.
2. 在学校里,他刻苦学习。
- He worked hard at school.
3. 在学校里,他全身心投入学习。
- He devoted himself to his studies.
4. 在学校里,他把一切都献给了学习。
- He gave his studies everything he had.
5. 在学校里,他把心思都放在了学习上。
- He put himself into his study when he was at school.
6. 在学校里,他一心扑在学业上。
- He put his heart into his schoolwork when he was at school.
这些句子通过不同的词汇和表达方式,生动地描绘了学生在学习上的专注与努力。无论是“devoted himself”还是“gave his studies everything”,都体现了学生对学习的全情投入。
1. 他在去年的全国数学竞赛中获得了第一名。
- He got the first place in the National Math Competition last year.
2. 他从小就对画画很有兴趣。
- He was fond of drawing when he was a little boy.
3. 在学校里,他总是认真对待每一门课程。
- He always took every course seriously at school.